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With over 3800 persons in our care, efforts to contain and manage the spread of COVID-19 within the walls of the prisons are seeing the production of masks for every prisoner, well underway.

Within two days, approximately 1000 masks were produced. They are being manufactured at Port of Spain Prison, Women's Prison, Maximum Security Prison and Carrera Convict Prison for distribution to ALL institutions.

Without compromising the safety and security of staff and charges, we continue to effectively adjust our daily operations best suited to contain and manage the spread of the virus.

The Trinidad and Tobago Prison Service in collaboration with the North Central Regional Health Authority held a sensitization exercise to educate and inform Officers at the Golden Grove Prison on the methods of transmission and the proper preventive measures for the COVID 19 Coronavirus.

This exercise was initiated by the Commissioner of Prisons (Ag) Mr. Dennis Pulchan. Present was guest speaker Ms. Keisha Gomez who is an Infection Prevention and Control nurse assigned to NCRHA. It saw the attendance of officers from Womens Prison, Golden Grove Prison and Remand Prison, Transport Section, Discipline Section, Welfare Section, Administration, Storeroom, and Construction Department.

This exercise is part of an ongoing effort geared towards equipping the Prison Service Staff with the necessary information for the effective management of the Covid 19 Corona virus within the prison environment

Now that Covid-19 is behind prison walls, all measures implemented have been reinforced with the critical focus on management and containment. We continue to be fully engaged with health and safety professionals who play an important role in our decision making process.

Strong emphasis has been placed on members of staff to not report for duty as they are in contact with members of the external community. They are advised to inform their immediate supervisor via phone if they are feeling unwell or have been in contact with someone with the virus, and seek medical attention at nearest health facility.

As we seek to assure members of the public that all is being done within our power to contain the spread, we highlight some of additional measures undertaken. Relevant updates would be published as deemed necessary.

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